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border-color: red tan pink purple;
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animation: rot 6s var(--delay) infinite linear var(--state);
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<div class="txtBg">让世界充满爱</div>
<video class="vid" src="https://img.tukuppt.com/video_show/7165162/00/17/52/5ec746f5eec22.mp4" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted="muted"></video>
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(function() {
let spans = [];
let setRgb = () => {
let ar = [];
for(i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
ar.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256));
return ar.join(',');
let mkEles = (papa,n) => {
Array.from({length: n}).forEach( (item,key) => {
item = document.createElement('span');
item.className = 'circle';
item.style.cssText += `
border-color: rgb(${setRgb()}) rgb(${setRgb()}) rgb(${setRgb()}) rgb(${setRgb()});
offset-distance: ${100 / n * (key + .5)}%;
--delay: ${Math.random() * -6}s;
let mState = () => mydiv.style.setProperty('--state', aud.paused ? 'paused' : 'running');
aud.addEventListener('play', mState, false);
aud.addEventListener('pause', mState, false);
spans.forEach((item) => item.onclick = () => aud.paused ? aud.play() : aud.pause());
setInterval(showTime, 1000);
function showTime(){
var now = new Date();
var year = now.getFullYear();
var month = now.getMonth() + 1;
var date = now.getDate();
var day = now.getDay();
var hour = now.getHours();
if(hour < 10) hour = "0" + hour;
var minute = now.getMinutes();
if(minute < 10) minute = "0" + minute;
var second = now.getSeconds();
if(second < 10) second = "0" + second;
document.getElementById("textClock").innerHTML = year + "年" + month + "月" + date + "日 星期" + toHz(day) + "" + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
function toHz(num) {
var hz = "日一二三四五六";
</script></td></tr></table> 射灯效果不错{:10_402:}